I'm a member of a Yahoo online community board for partners of Borderlines. One of the men recently posted his 101 Things I'm Tired Of list. I was so impressed with how clearly he expressed the pain, the sorrow, the anger, the sense of utter futility that he feels in his relationship with his wife. He generously agreed to allow me to share his pain with you.
1. I'm tired of being accused of being passive aggressive because I simply forgot to lower the toilet seat.
2. I'm tired of having things I say twisted around so that you perceive they hurt you more.
3. I'm tired of you always playing the victim and the one that was wronged.
4. I'm tired of the infrequent apologies from you.
5. I'm tired of the fighting.
6. I'm tired of the infrequent sex.
7. I'm tired of being criticized with "you never's" and "you don't do ____ anymore/enough."
8. I'm tired of the snide, confrontational attitude when we fight.
9. I'm tired of being interrupted when I'm trying to tell my side.
10. I'm tired of your ultra-sensitivity about everything.
11. I'm tired of being told I don't do enough around the house.
12. I'm tired of you being sick at least one week out of every month.
13. I'm tired of having a wife that I can't flirt with and make sexual innuendos with -- without her getting mad.
14. I'm tired of remembering all the fights and hurts and things that have been said.
15. I'm tired of always trying to be the peacemaker and the first to apologize.
16. I'm tired of feeling like a meal ticket.
17. I'm tired of being asked the same questions, over and over -- yet you flip out when I repeat myself.
18. I'm tired of the double standards.
19. I'm tired of the hypocrisy.
20. I'm tired of walking on eggshells, always trying not to irritate you.
21. I'm tired of the 50/50 chance that if we drink, we'll end up in a fight.
22. I'm tired of feeling like you're only attracted to me when you're drinking.
23. I'm tired of rubbing your back, feet or giving messages that aren't reciprocated.
24. I'm tired of giving oral sex that isn't reciprocated.
25. I'm tired of having a wife that won't participate in a fundamental part (sex) of a relationship.
26. I'm tired of how complicated sex has become.
27. I'm tired of hoping things will go back to what they were in the beginning.
28. I'm tired of thinking about all of it.
29. I'm tired of the empty promises of change.
30. I'm tired of the small changes that never last.
31. I'm tired of always being accused of things.
32. I'm tired of your irrational behavior.
33. I'm tired of your accusations.
34. I'm tired of your rage.
35. I'm tired of your drinking.
36. I'm tired of being treated like a child.
37. I'm tired of being bossed around.
38. I'm tired of being alone in a marriage.
39. I'm tired of not laughing.
40. I'm tired of the constant criticism.
41. I'm tired of being nagged about every little thing.
42. I'm tired of being bullied.
43. I'm tired of not being appreciated.
44. I'm tired of being sad.
45. I'm tired of the tension in our house.
46. I'm tired of fighting about sex.
47. I'm tired of the awkwardness.
48. I'm tired of not being desired.
49. I'm tired of not being listened to.
50. I'm tired of being accused of being a know-it-all.
51. I'm tired of you being more affectionate to the cat than to me.
52. I'm tired of never being given the benefit of the doubt.
53. I'm tired of being accused of saying things I didn't say.
54. I'm tired of doing things to be sweet that go unnoticed -- tacos, Gatorade, etc.
55. I'm tired of you being verbally abusive, then accusing me of abuse.
56. I'm tired of seeming to be the only one that notices or cares about the relationship.
57. I'm tired of being picked on over little things.
58. I'm tired of being belittled.
59. I'm tired of not feeling like a man.
60. I'm tired of being insulted.
61. I'm tired of being put down.
62. I'm tired of the instability in our relationship.
63. I'm tired of remembering who we used to be.
64. I'm tired of missing the romantic moments we used to share.
65. I'm tired of making an effort that gets criticized.
66. I'm tired of feeling like I got the bait and switch.
67. I'm tired of my ideas and wants being criticized while I support yours.
68. I'm tired of feeling like I have no say in things.
69. I'm tired of not being able to buy things I want, when I tell you all the time, "go ahead, if you want it."
70. I'm tired of waiting for things to change.
71. I'm tired of being bored.
72. I'm tired of the rut we're in.
73. I'm tired of being blamed for everything.
74. I'm tired of being in limbo about our future.
75. I'm tired of being indecisive.
76. I'm tired of the huge communication problems we have.
77. I'm tired of our conflicting personalities.
78. I'm tired of feeling like immature teenagers in this relationship.
79. I'm tired of your immaturity.
80. I'm tired of your inadequate conflict resolution skills.
81. I'm tired of your inability to be sympathetic to my views, feelings, etc.
82. I'm tired of your selfishness.
83. I'm tired of your negativity.
84. I'm tired of your unhappiness.
85. I'm tired of your insecurities.
86. I'm tired of you complaining every year about wanting a new job -- but never doing anything about it.
87. I'm tired of you not wanting to do anything together.
88. I'm tired of you getting to be the sensitive one -- I'm not supposed to have feelings.
89. I'm tired of you reading too much into things and coming to negative conclusions.
90. I'm tired of having a difficult relationship with you.
91. I'm tired of the distance.
92. I'm tired of not being in a loving relationship.
93. I'm tired of not being a team.
94. I'm tired of being questioned about every little thing.
95. I'm tired of being spineless.
96. I'm tired of not being respected.
97. I'm tired of being told how to do everything.
98. I'm tired of not having the spark we had in the beginning.
99. I'm tired of thinking of the loss of spark and how to get it back.
100. I'm tired of the fighting that has ruined every trip we've been on since Las Vegas.
101. I'm tired of remembering our disastrous wedding night and disastrous honeymoon.
I feel so sad when I read this list. It so adds it all up, doesn't it?
The list shows clearly how hard we try to make relationships with a wounded Borderline work; how we give ourselves away an inch at a time (ending up ashamed of ourselves); the unfairness of the Borderline's misperceptions and later criticisms, belittling statements and off-the-wall rages (for such seemingly small things).
It's interesting to me to see how the list progresses -- from the beginning statements of the Borderline's hurtful behavior; into an awareness of what's happening to the partner (the bullying, lack of intimacy, lack of sexual love, lack of respect); sliding into humiliation (not feeling like a man, feeling belittled, insulted and put down); finishing up with feelling downright tricked.
Since I coach partners of Borderlines now, I especially noted #'s 100 and 101. They show how soon the Borderline behaviors showed up in this man's relationship with his wife -- their honeymoon night.
This isn't unusual. Remember that Borderline hurtful behavior is triggered by intimacy -- our intimacy with them. It scares the heck out of them. They're afraid to let anyone too close (old fears from what happened to them in their past) and they're scared they'll be abandoned (again, old fears from what happened to them in their past).
One woman told me the Borderline behavior showed up the afternoon of her wedding reception -- her new husband was furiously jealous of her even laughing with one of the groomsmen. And it was downhill from there.
How do you feel when you read this list of behaviors? Have you experienced behavior like this from your partner? Click the Comments link below to share your story with us. Your story might help another man.
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